Watch now the recording of the recent Preparing & Strengthening Your NursingCAS Application webinar. Get an overview of the NursingCAS application portal, guidance on requesting transcripts, submitting coursework entry, and info on fee waivers. This webinar was hosted by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and NursingCAS.
The webinar content includes:
Overview of the NursingCAS application portal
Guidance on choosing the right program
Information on application cost and fee waivers
Tips for requesting transcripts and submitting coursework entry
Guidance on application planning
Recommendations to ensure quick application processing times
Tips to avoid common mistakes
Answers to FAQs (application statuses, standardized tests, references, etc.)
Resources available for NursingCAS applicants
Ready to apply? Log intoNursingCASto submit your application today!