February 2025
The NursingCAS Dispatch is a monthly newsletter designed to update you on current happenings at NursingCAS. The newsletter features:
- NursingCAS Know-How including key features, resources, recruitment opportunities, and reminders
- NursingCAS by the Numbers featuring metrics showcasing application statistics and other relevant data
- User Updates to keep you in the loop, so you can keep your team and applicants in the loop
- Q&A providing answers to some of the most frequently asked questions from school users
2023-2024 Cycle Close
The 2023-2024 NursingCAS application cycle closed on January 31, 2025 at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time. Applicants can carry their data and transcripts over to the next application cycle using the Re-Applicant feature. School users are still able to review applications and access WebAdMIT for the 2023-2024 cycle.
Review the email sent from NursingCAS on January 13 for important information on end-of-cycle processes and associated timelines. Schools are encouraged to follow up with applicants ASAP with program-specific requirements (transcripts, letters of recommendation, etc.).
Questions about end-of-cycle processes/dates? Contact the WebAdMIT Client Support Specialist Team at (857) 304-2020 or webadmitsupport@liaisonedu.com.
Recording Available: NursingCAS Student Webinar
AACN held a webinar for prospective NursingCAS applicants, Preparing and Strengthening Your NursingCAS Application, last month. The recording of the webinar is now available. AACN encourages admissions and recruitment teams to review the webinar recording to learn about NursingCAS from the applicant’s perspective. Schools can consider hosting similar webinars to support their applicant pool as well. Please share the recording with your in-progress and prospective applicant pool.
Webinar content includes:
- Detailed overview of the NursingCAS application
- Guidance on requesting transcripts and submitting coursework entry
- Answers to FAQs (application statuses, references, etc.)
- Tips to avoid common mistakes
- Recommendations to ensure quick application processing times
- Resources available for NursingCAS applicants
Recording Available: NursingCAS Demo Webinar
Are any members of your team new to NursingCAS or in need of a refresher? Review the webinar recording of the NursingCAS Overview: A Demonstration of the Student Application and Admissions Management Portal webinar held last month. Prospective and current NursingCAS users are encouraged to review the recording for a walk-through of the platform and an overview of best practices and useful tools in WebAdMIT.
Featured Liaison Academy Course | Centralized Application Service: Your Admissions Management Solution
The Centralized Application Service: Your Admissions Management Solution course is offered through the Liaison Academy. This self-paced resource provides an overview of the CAS service, including the benefits available to you and your applicants. This course is intended for individuals who are interested in joining CAS or have already committed to joining CAS.
Create a free account with Liaison Academy and become a NursingCAS superuser!
NursingCAS Applicant Newsletter & Recruitment Event Calendar
The Applicant Newsletter, provided by AACN, is emailed to 160,000+ NursingCAS applicants the third week of every month. This newsletter is for programs affiliated with NursingCAS only. Program submissions are FREE and due on the Friday prior to publication. Posts must relate to one of the three topics below or they will be removed. Please submit an announcement using the form on our website.
Here is some additional information on how schools can leverage each section of the Applicant Newsletter:
- Open Seats: Use this section to provide notifications to applicants about NursingCAS programs with available space. You can share information about one specific program or multiple programs in one announcement. You can highlight the program by providing information relevant to your nursing school, specific program requirements, location, accreditation, program cost/scholarships, specialties, etc.
- Deadline Extensions: Use this section to share announcements about deadline extensions for your NursingCAS programs. You can share information about your programs, the new deadlines, and any requirements that might have changed (if applicable).
- New Programs: Use this section to highlight any new programs launched in the Application Portal since the last newsletter.
We recommend including contact information for representatives or links to your website and the NursingCAS application within the announcement. Visit the Newsletter Archive for samples of previous submissions.
The NursingCAS Events Calendar is a great platform for publicizing your program’s recruitment events. These events include student information sessions, virtual fairs, open houses, and other recruitment events that connect your institution with potential applicants. You can submit items to the Events Calendar using the Applicant Event Form. This calendar is distributed to 160,000+ students each month.
Register Now! Experience: LIAISON | San Antonio
Registration for Liaison International’s Experience: LIAISON | San Antonio is now open! This three-day event will take place on June 16 – 18, 2025. Join Liaison’s community of higher education admissions and enrollment professionals as they celebrate, connect, discover, and grow. The registration fee is $695, and group discounts are available. Additional information is available in the conference Help Center.
WebAdMIT Sandbox Environment Refresh
Are you utilizing the WebAdMIT Sandbox? If not, you should be! Sandbox is a duplicate test platform useful for testing and training purposes; any actions performed in Sandbox will not affect the live data in production. This tool provides users with a safe, “near-production” environment to test applications and run sample exports, among other actions. The WebAdMIT Sandbox is a copy of the WebAdMIT production environment with sensitive applicant information (such as surnames, email addresses, etc.) obfuscated.
The WebAdMIT Sandbox is refreshed between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. ET every Monday. If Monday is a US or Canadian holiday, deployment is the next business day and includes all system changes from the preceding release. The WebAdMIT Sandbox environment is refreshed with current (cleansed) production data and program configurations. Any test exports, custom fields, etc., in the current Sandbox will be overwritten.
Top Feeder Colleges in NursingCAS: 2023-2024 Cycle
These 20 colleges were the top feeder schools in NursingCAS for the 2023-2024 cycle. NursingCAS received applications from 16,561 students who attended one of these colleges. Overall, 64,443 students submitted applications to NursingCAS in the 2023-2024 cycle.

This section provides monthly updates on new features and enhancements available within the Applicant Portal, Configuration Portal, WebAdMIT, and information on upcoming training opportunities. Please note that these are only a few highlights of Liaison’s recent enhancements. A complete list of recent WebAdMIT Release Notes is available.
Prefill CAS Name in National Student Clearinghouse Electronic Transcript Request Form
NursingCAS applicants have the option to request an electronic transcript through National Student Clearinghouse. Applicants are then sent to National Student Clearinghouse’s site to fill out a request form. With this enhancement, if applicants click the button to request a transcript through National Student Clearinghouse, their CAS will automatically be prefilled in National Student Clearinghouse’s request form. This simplifies the transcript ordering process, as applicants have one less field to complete, and eliminates any confusion over which CAS to choose.
Show Program Prerequisite Instructions Before Applicants Complete Transcript/Coursework Entry Section
NursingCAS programs can list their prerequisite coursework requirements in the Program Materials quadrant where applicants can then match their coursework to these prerequisites. Programs can also include instructions to explain their prerequisite requirements, help guide applicants on how best to match courses, provide a link to their program website for further information, etc.
Applicants can now view these program instructions before they complete the Transcript/Coursework Entry section in the Academic History quadrant. Previously, these instructions did not appear in the Program Materials quadrant until applicants entered coursework. This enhancement helps applicants review all program information before they begin to apply to the program.
This enhancement was inspired by user feedback via the Ideas Portal.
Various User Interface Updates
The CAS Configuration Portal has had the following user interface updates. These enhancements all improve user readability and navigation.
Cycle Order
When selecting your CAS and cycle, cycles are now listed in reverse chronological order (most recent on top).

Search Filter and Result Navigation
If you run a search from your organization page and view a program from the results list, and then you return to the organization page, your search criteria continues to display and all search results appear appropriately.
Additionally, if you view a program from a results list, you can navigate to the next applicable program in the results list in the top right.

Organization Page Layout and Program Management Action Links
You can now view more programs on the organization page without scrolling. Additionally, when you scroll, the header row with column names and the footer row with action items like bulk editing programs, adding a new program, etc., remain visible.
When selecting an action to perform on your programs (e.g., edit details, submit a program for review, delete, archive, etc.), the action links appear in the same place for every program. They also have a highlighted background when hovered over, making it easier for you to make your selection.

Expand Length of Program-level Question Export Code Fields
If you enter export codes for your program-level questions, the Export Code fields now automatically expand when clicked on so that you can view more of your data.

New Multi-Row Designation In Progress Report
A new Multi-Row In Progress Report is available in the Report Manager, under the Applicant report type. This is similar to the In Progress report you can run from the In Progress page, with a few differences:
- This new Multi-Row In Progress Report is produced as a multi-row designation file, available as both a .csv and .xls. Multi-row designation files list the applicant’s information on one row for each program they’ve selected at your organization. For example, if Aimee Applicant selected programs A and B at your organization, then her information will populate two rows, one for each program she has selected.
- This report only includes an applicant’s In Progress designations. For example, if Aimee Applicant has applied to program A (i.e., she is in the Received application status for that designation) and has selected programs B and C (i.e., she is in the In Progress application status for those designations), then only her information for programs B and C will appear in this report. Conversely, all her programs, regardless of her application status for them, will appear in the In Progress report you can run from the In Progress page.
- You can include the Multi-Row In Progress Report .csv and .xls files in an SFTP file transfer.
This new report can help CRM and integration projects, as you can pull In Progress applicant data with a consistent, set column format, regardless of the number of programs an applicant is interested in.
Subscribe to WebAdMIT Release Notes
WebAdMIT Release Notes provide a summary of enhancements and new features that are made available in the Applicant Portal, Applicant Gateway, Configuration Portal, Letters by Liaison, and WebAdMIT. Want to receive Release Notes emails? Subscribe here.
CAS Configuration Portal Help Center
The CAS Configuration Portal Help Center has been refreshed with updated screenshots, page layouts, and a new article on closing, archiving, and deleting programs.
Q: Where can I access the contract that my school signed with NursingCAS?
A: Because NursingCAS is a free service, there is no “contract” that schools sign. However, all schools that join NursingCAS submit a Participation Agreement, which outlines some basic policies and requirements that schools are asked to abide by to initiate the onboarding process. Additionally, all schools are asked to submit a Renewal Form on an annual basis to confirm their participation in the upcoming cycle.
Users seeking to obtain a copy of their Participation Agreement or Renewal Form should reach out to nursingcas@aacnnursing.org, You can also review the Participation Agreement terms on the NursingCAS website.
Support for WebAdMIT School Users
As always, the dedicated WebAdMIT Client Support Specialist Team is available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET to assist with questions about WebAdMIT features. The team can be reached at (857) 304-2020 or webadmitsupport@liaisonedu.com. Training is also available via webinars, on-demand courses, and the Liaison Academy. Please visit the WebAdMIT Help Center for further information.
Make sure to sign up to receive important notices through the Liaison CAS Status page for updates on future CAS and WebAdMIT outages.
If you have any questions, please contact Taylor Jaczko, AACN’s Director of Application Services, at tjaczko@aacnnursing.org. |