NursingCAS Dispatch

Stay Connected & Informed


March 2025

The NursingCAS Dispatch is a monthly newsletter designed to update you on current happenings involving nursing’s centralized application service. The newsletter features:

  • NursingCAS Know-How including key features, resources, recruitment opportunities, and reminders
  • NursingCAS by the Numbers featuring metrics showcasing application statistics and other relevant data
  • User Updates to keep you in the loop, so you can keep your team and applicants in the loop
  • Q&A providing answers to some of the most frequently asked questions from school users 



2023-2024 Cycle Close

The 2023-2024 NursingCAS application cycle closed on January 31, 2025. Applicants can carry their data and transcripts over to the next application cycle using the Re-Applicant feature. School users are still able to review applications and access WebAdMIT for the 2023-2024 cycle.

Review the email sent from NursingCAS on January 13 for important information on end-of-cycle processes and associated timelines. Schools are encouraged to follow up with applicants ASAP with program-specific requirements (transcripts, letters of recommendation, etc.).

Questions about end-of-cycle processes/dates? Contact the WebAdMIT Client Support Specialist Team at (857) 304-2020 or

Staff Changes? Update WebAdMIT ASAP

Have you had staff changes in the past year? A best practice is to review WebAdMIT permissions quarterly (or more frequently!) to ensure only appropriate team members are receiving NursingCAS data. Instructions for adding and editing users can be found in the WebAdMIT Help Center.

If you would like to update the NursingCAS primary contacts (people who receive newsletters and email updates regarding cycle dates, deadlines, and events from NursingCAS) for your school, please reach out to the NursingCAS inbox at

2024-2025 NursingCAS Application Coupon Codes Available

Participating NursingCAS schools may request coupon codes to offer application fee discounts to incentivize prospective students to apply to your programs. Additional information can be found in the NursingCAS Application Coupon Codes FAQ.

NursingCAS Demo Webinar on April 29

Are any members of your team new to NursingCAS or in need of a refresher? Register now to attend AACN’s NursingCAS Overview: A Demonstration of the Student Application and Admissions Management Portal webinar on Tuesday, April 29, from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET.

Prospective and current NursingCAS users are encouraged to attend this training session, which will provide a walk-through of the platform and introduce users to best practices and useful tools in WebAdMIT.

Unable to attend at this time? Register to receive a copy of the webinar recording.

Student Recruitment: Echo Targeting Webinar on May 21

AACN encourages you to attend the Student Recruitment: Echo Targeting webinar on Wednesday, May 21 from 2:00 – 2:30 p.m. ET. 

Echo Targeting is an affordable digital banner advertising tool that allows member schools to exclusively reach NursingCAS applicants while they surf the internet. AACN’s partner, Owen Landon of Echo Interactive LLC, will share how you can use banner ads and/or videos to target future students. Join us to discover why dozens of nursing schools and 4 health professions utilize Echo Targeting! Please register in advance to attend.

Featured Liaison Academy Course | Best Practices in Implementing a Centralized Application Service

The Best Practices in Implementing a Centralized Application Service course is offered through the Liaison Academy. This self-paced resource guides you through the admissions process using WebAdMIT. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to streamline your workflows, maximize time savings, and create a better applicant experience!

This course is intended for individuals who will be involved with CAS implementation and need to learn how WebAdMIT can help improve the admissions process.

Create a free account with Liaison Academy and become a NursingCAS superuser!

NursingCAS Applicant Newsletter & Recruitment Event Calendar

The Applicant Newsletter, provided by AACN, is emailed to 160,000+ NursingCAS applicants the third week of every month. This newsletter is for programs affiliated with NursingCAS only. Program submissions are FREE and due on the Friday prior to publication. Posts must relate to one of the three topics below or they will be removed. Please submit an announcement using the form on our website.

Here is some additional information on how schools can leverage each section of the Applicant Newsletter:

  1. Open Seats: Use this section to provide notifications to applicants about NursingCAS programs with available space. You can share information about one specific program or multiple programs in one announcement. You can highlight the program by providing information relevant to your nursing school, specific program requirements, location, accreditation, program cost/scholarships, specialties, etc. 
  2. Deadline Extensions: Use this section to share announcements about deadline extensions for your NursingCAS programs. You can share information about your programs, the new deadlines, and any requirements that might have changed (if applicable).
  3. New Programs: Use this section to highlight any new programs launched in the Application Portal since the last newsletter.

We recommend including contact information for representatives or links to your website and the NursingCAS application within the announcement. Visit the Newsletter Archive for samples of previous submissions.

The NursingCAS Events Calendar is a great platform for publicizing your program’s recruitment events. These events include student information sessions, virtual fairs, open houses, and other recruitment events that connect your institution with potential applicants. You can submit items to the Events Calendar using the Applicant Event Form. This calendar is distributed to 160,000+ students each month.

Register Now! Experience: LIAISON | San Antonio

Registration for Liaison International’s Experience: LIAISON | San Antonio is now open! This event will take place on June 16 – 18, 2025. Join Liaison’s community of higher education admissions and enrollment professionals as they celebrate, connect, discover, and grow. The registration fee is $695, and group discounts are available. Additional information is available in the conference Help Center.

WebAdMIT Sandbox Environment Refresh

Are you utilizing the WebAdMIT Sandbox? If not, you should be! Sandbox is a duplicate test platform useful for testing and training purposes; any actions performed in Sandbox will not affect the live data in production. This tool provides users with a safe, “near-production” environment to test applications and run sample exports, among other actions. The WebAdMIT Sandbox is a copy of the WebAdMIT production environment with sensitive applicant information (such as surnames, email addresses, etc.) obfuscated.

The WebAdMIT Sandbox is refreshed between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. ET every Monday. If Monday is a US or Canadian holiday, deployment is the next business day and includes all system changes from the preceding release. The WebAdMIT Sandbox environment is refreshed with current (cleansed) production data and program configurations. Any test exports, custom fields, etc., in the current Sandbox will be overwritten.


The 2023-2024 Cycle in Review

The 2023-2024 NursingCAS cycle closed on January 31, 2025. Please see the graphic below for a helpful overview of our final numbers. AACN looks forward to the 2024-2025 cycle being another success and appreciates working with you to promote the nursing profession!



This section provides monthly updates on new features and enhancements available within the Applicant Portal, Configuration Portal, WebAdMIT, and information on upcoming training opportunities. Please note that these are only a few highlights of Liaison’s recent enhancements. A complete list of recent WebAdMIT Release Notes is available.

Subscribe to WebAdMIT Release Notes

WebAdMIT Release Notes provide a summary of enhancements and new features that are made available in the Applicant Portal, Applicant Gateway, Configuration Portal, Letters by Liaison, and WebAdMIT. Want to receive Release Notes emails? Subscribe here.

Removal of Marital Status Question from Application

The optional Marital Status question has been removed from NursingCAS. Applicants will no longer be able to view the Marital Status field on the Create Your Account, My Profile, or Reapplicant pages, or on the full application PDF. The Marital Status field will remain in the CAS API, Liaison Outcomes, and WebAdMIT. Existing applicant data will remain, but no new applicant data will be available. You should review any exports, lists, and email templates that include this field and update them accordingly.


CAS Application Domain Name Change

The URL format for the CAS applications has been updated to a new format: This update is part of ongoing improvements to Liaison’s technology infrastructure and benefits include:

  • Enhanced system security (e.g., Multi-Factor Authentication)
  • Future upgrades like Keycloak and social media login tools that simplify account creation and introduce new single sign-on capabilities across Liaison platforms.

This change applies to both the CAS prelaunch and production (i.e., live) environments, but does not include CAS public APIs, WebAdMIT URLs, Analytics, or Common App for transfer.

The old CAS application URL format ( automatically redirects to the new URLs, ensuring a smooth transition without any service disruption. We recommend that by June 27, 2025, you review and update all CAS-related URLs on your websites and documentation to reflect the new URL format: (replace “casname” with your CAS name)

If you use deep links on your website or in marketing outreach, you should also update those links. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact a member of your account team.

Updated WebAdMIT Help Center URL and Layout

The WebAdMIT Help Center now has a shortened, easier-to-remember URL: The content within the former WebAdMIT Manual section, which includes step-by-step instructions, videos, and best practices for using WebAdMIT’s features, has also been moved to the main page of the WebAdMIT Help Center for easier access.

CAS Configuration Portal Help Center

The CAS Configuration Portal Help Center has been refreshed with updated screenshots, page layouts, and a new article on closing, archiving, and deleting programs.



Q: How can I update the contacts for my school when my team experiences changes in staffing?

A: Many schools require updates to their contacts on a periodic basis. To make changes to the contacts that receive NursingCAS-related communications and are listed in the drop-down menu in the Dashboard Forms submission portal, please reach out to Please note that these contacts are NOT the same as WebAdMIT Admissions Users.

To make changes to your school’s WebAdMIT users, please visit the Managing Users page in the WebAdMIT Help Center.

Support for WebAdMIT School Users

As always, the dedicated WebAdMIT Client Support Specialist Team is available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET to assist with questions about WebAdMIT features. The team can be reached at (857) 304-2020 or webadmitsupport@liaisonedu.comTraining is also available via webinars, on-demand courses, and the Liaison Academy. Please visit the WebAdMIT Help Center for further information.

Make sure to sign up to receive important notices through the Liaison CAS Status page for updates on future CAS and WebAdMIT outages.


If you have any questions, please contact Taylor Jaczko, AACN’s Director of Application Services, at