Welcome to the NursingCAS Dispatch – a monthly newsletter intended to keep you up to date with current happenings at NursingCAS. The newsletter will feature:
All NursingCAS-affiliated programs are invited to leverage the power of technology to reach more prospective students and applicants interested in graduate level and second degree nursing programs on September 19, 2019 during the Virtual Recruitment Fair.
REGISTER HERE * EVENT DETAILS * Informational Webinar * Save $100 by July 12
The Configuration Portal has an updated interface to improve usability. It includes:
It’s not too late to register for the Liaison User Conference. This event is designed for all CAS/WebAdMIT users and is being held in Boston, MA on June 27-28 at the Westin Waterfront hotel. View the program for more details on what sessions are being offered. And check out the top five reasons to attend the conference
The 2019-2020 Configuration Tool opened on June 4. All configurations are due by July 19 to ensure the NursingCAS team has enough time to review your programs prior to the August 15th launch. If you plan to post programs later in the cycle, you can wait to submit them for review.
You will login to the WebAdMIT PreLaunch site to configure programs. Prelaunch is a “staging” environment that allows you to configure programs for the new cycle without impacting the current cycle. Prelaunch is similar to the sandbox environment in that it is not connected to the live environment (“production”). Learn more about PreLaunch here.
Note: only primary contacts and/or WebAdMIT users who are responsible for setting up programs have access to the configuration tool in the WebAdMIT PreLaunch site. Contact Ann or Joe from the account management team with questions or to gain access.
Your programs have been rolled over from last cycle so you can edit the existing configuration. You do not need to create new programs unless you are planning to add additional options. Please update what is there and delete any programs that appear that you do not plan to open on the 2019 – 2020 cycle.
Please ensure you have completed the following before submitting your programs for review:
To submit your programs for review, click the home icon, scroll down to Program Settings, and click Submit for Review.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are available. Training is available on June 13 (3:00 – 4:00 PM ET), July 9 (11:00 AM – Noon ET), and July 11 (3:00 – 4:00 PM ET). Register for a session. If you school did not yet fill out a renewal form, please do so and contact us with questions.
What Does it Mean to be an Admissions Nurse?
Hospitals are constantly in flux as patients come in and out. As patients are admitted to the hospital, nursing staff must perform detailed assessments and gather a significant amount of information as part of the admission process. As you can imagine, this can be a time-consuming process.
Nurses Are in Dire Need of Better Mental Health Care
Last month, Washington state Senator Maureen Walsh argued against a legislative action that would provide mandatory, uninterrupted rest times for nurses. Senator Walsh stated that such a provision could negatively impact patient outcomes in certain circumstances, and further insisted nurses had ample downtime, and claiming that they “probably play cards for a considerable amount of the day.”
75 years ago, she was an Army nurse. At age 99, she’s returned to Normandy to mark D-day.
Former U.S. Army nurse Ellan Levitsky loved her service in a field hospital in Normandy just after the D-day landings, but will never forget the sound of young military men crying themselves to sleep.
Recruiting International Students — Locally
At NAFSA: Association of International Educators conference, session focuses on opportunities to recruit international students who are already in the U.S. for high school or short-term programs.