June 2020
The NursingCAS Dispatch is a monthly newsletter intended to keep you up to date with current happenings at NursingCAS. The newsletter will feature:
- NursingCAS Know-How, an in-depth examination of a NursingCAS feature.
- NursingCAS by the Numbers, a metric to showcase application statistics and other relevant data.
- User Updates to keep you in the loop, so you can keep your team and applicants in the loop.
- Social Beat, which will feature nursing and admissions news from around the web.
2019-20 NursingCAS Coupon Codes Available
AACN has received multiple requests from programs requesting the ability to purchase NursingCAS coupon codes for applicants in response to COVID-19. Based upon this feedback, AACN has quickly implemented an interim system to allow our members to purchase coupon codes for the current 2019-20 cycle. As a reminder, the 2019-2020 cycle will end on January 31, 2021. There are several important notes to consider with coupon codes. Please be sure to closely read the Frequently Asked Questions.
To purchase NursingCAS coupon codes, visit the AACN store:
Please contact the NursingCAS Team at nursingcas@aacnnursing.org with questions about coupon codes.
2020-21 NursingCAS Renewal Form
To prepare for the upcoming NursingCAS cycle, AACN requires all programs to complete the NursingCAS Renewal Form by June 26. This form will renew your school’s participation and confirm that your primary contacts are accurate. The form should only take 5-10 minutes to complete. Only one form is required per school. Please coordinate accordingly to determine who will submit it on behalf of your school.
2020-21 NursingCAS Configuration Portal
The Configuration Portal for the NursingCAS 2020-2021 cycle was opened on May 26. Watch the recording of the Configuration Training Webinar on-demand to prepare for the 2020-21 cycle. The deadline to complete configurations and submit programs for review is July 10. Completing configurations by this deadline is critical to ensure programs launch on August 13 and begin to receive applications. Failure to submit the configuration portal for review by July 10 will result in a delay of the launch of your program’s application. FAQs for school users are available.
As always, the WebAdMIT Client Support Specialist Team is available Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm EST to assist with questions about WebAdMIT features. The Team can be reached at 857-304-2020 or webadmitsupport@liaisonedu.com. Training is also available via webinars, on-demand courses, and the Liaison Academy. Please view the WebAdMIT Help Center for further information
During the 2018-2019 cycle, there were 53,357 submitted applicants. The self-reported ethnicities of these applicants were 0.4% American Indian or Alaska Native, 12% Asian, 11% Black or African American, 18% Hispanic, 0.04% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and 52% White. Additionally, 4% of the submitted applicants reported two or more races, and 3% of the respondents did not report an ethnicity/race. |
This section provides monthly updates on new features and enhancements available within the Applicant Portal, Configuration Portal, and WebAdMIT, as well as information on upcoming training events and opportunities.
Applicant Portal Enhancements
Update to the Design and Layout of the Professional Transcript Entry (PTE) Page
The design, instructions, and terms of service have been updated to better guide applicants in using the Professional Transcript Entry (PTE) feature. PTE is an optional service that allows applicants to pay an additional fee to have Liaison’s PTE specialists enter their coursework.
WebAdMIT API Enhancements
Update to Available Transcript Grouping Fields in Export Manager
The Transcript Grouping in Export Manager now includes the Transcript Barcode field. This field matches the barcode listed on the Transcript Request Form or in the application when requesting a transcript from an electronic transcript vendor like Credential Solutions, National Student Clearinghouse, and/or Parchment. This feature is useful when a school needs to match a transcript to the correct applicant.
New Documentation
Training Opportunities
Sign Up to Access WebAdMIT Webinars
Liaison Academy offers WebAdMIT training webinars. Each one-hour webinar focuses on a specific WebAdMIT feature and offers best practices and tips.
Webinar: Making WebAdMIT Work for You (June 18, 1pm EST)
Register now for this FREE session to learn more about commonly used WebAdMIT workflows. This webinar will cover making use of Local Statuses, benefiting from Custom Fields, creating a process to identify new applicants, and more.
In response to COVID-19, the Liaison User Conference originally planned for July 23-24 will now be hosted as a series of virtual sessions. There is no cost to attend. A preliminary agenda is available for viewing and will be updated with more events in the coming weeks. Register today!
The Online Risk
“Carnegie Dartlet first surveyed students in March and then again in May. In the six weeks between surveys, the concerns of students about COVID-19 negatively impacting their education increased significantly. Around three in five respondents said they had “a lot” of concern or worse, while in March that number was around one in two. Additionally, the number of students who said they had little or no concern about COVID-19 dropped from 16 percent to 9 percent.”
This Nurse Didn’t Just Create a Replacement N95 Mask – Hers Filters More
“Her San Antonio, Texas, hospital was well stocked, but with a surge of cases expected in May, the senior vice president and chief nurse executive, worried whether there would be enough N95 masks—especially with every hospital in the world seeking them. Then she remembered what her late husband always said: “If you can’t find something, and you can’t buy something, you make it.” So that’s what Tommye did—the nurse-scientist whose resume is crammed with credentials, like R.N., Ph.D., MBA and NEA-BC (Nurse Executive Advanced-Board Certified), began building a better mousetrap.”
University of Southern Indiana Starts Car Tours
“Since March, prospective students and their families have only been able to see the campus virtually. But Rashad Smith, the university’s executive director for enrollment, wanted something more. “I think it is important to remain flexible and offer alternatives for families who may want to experience campus but are not ready for a walking tour,” he said. “We want to engage people in a way that’s safe.” |
If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Wurth, AACN’s Director of Strategic Partnerships, at swurth@aacnnursing.org. |