Recording Available: NursingCAS Demo (Tue., Jan. 28)


NursingCAS Overview: A Demonstration of the Student Application and Admissions Management Portal

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) offered a virtual NursingCAS Demo on Tuesday, January 28. Watch the recording now! One-on-one demos with the NursingCAS Team are also available and can be requested by visiting the Contact page.

Learn more about AACN’s Nursing Centralized Application Service (NursingCAS), the free student application service that provides member colleges with an online platform to efficiently manage all aspects of the admission process. Using this service, schools gain access to powerful enrollment management software that can streamline their recruitment operations, expand their customer service capabilities, and reach a national applicant pool. Discover why nearly 300 colleges of nursing used NursingCAS during the last enrollment cycle to process more than 115,000 nursing school applications.
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