NursingCAS Advisory Group


NursingCAS is excited to announce that we are seeking new members for our advisory group! AACN is seeking a variety of volunteers from all levels of the admissions process — whether you’re a dean, staff member, or part of the faculty.

Given the broad scope of NursingCAS usage, we seek representation from large and small, public and private, and new and established schools of nursing. Ideal candidates heavily utilize WebAdMIT, NursingCAS’ backend admissions software. Responsibilities for these 8-10 members include a quarterly call to discuss enhancements to the application and plans for program recruitment, education, and retention.

We encourage all interested NursingCAS users to apply for this professional development opportunity. Together, we hope to continue to enhance NursingCAS and admissions processes for all schools. We look forward to the valuable work that these volunteers will provide and greatly appreciate the accomplishments of the current Advisory Group.

Current Members: