NursingCAS and CareerEco hosted the webinar Best Practices: NursingCAS Virtual Fair on Tuesday, October 18, 2022. Please see the attached webinar slides and recording. AACN hopes that every NursingCAS school will host a booth at the upcoming Virtual Fair to promote the profession nationally. The passcode for the recording is: 8P^^vsIL
AACN hosted this webinar in response to schools seeking assistance with maximizing their recruitment efforts and increasing visitors to their virtual fair booths. CareerEco’s Founder, Gayle Oliver-Plath, provided an overview of the platform and its features during the webinar. AACN provided marketing strategies for reaching students, advisors, and partner organizations. Schools should quickly begin planning and promoting their booth (just as you would with a campus Open House!). AACN hopes this platform will provide a successful venue to reach additional students and help progress students through all stages of your recruitment funnel.
Questions? Contact Stephanie Wurth, AACN, Director of Application Services and Strategic Partnerships.