As part of Transform 2021, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) offered a virtual NursingCAS Demo on Thurs., Dec. 16. Watch the recording now! One-on-one demos with the NursingCAS Team are also available and can be requested by visiting the Contact page.
NursingCAS Overview: A Demonstration of the Student Application and Admissions Management Portal
AACN’s Nursing Centralized Application Service (NursingCAS) provides colleges a FREE admissions platform and student application to efficiently manage data-driven reviews in cloud-based software. Learn why 290 colleges of nursing and 61,000 student applicants used NursingCAS last year to manage their nursing school applications. A demo of the student application and efficient backend admissions software will be provided. AACN and NursingCAS staff will lead the presentation. Prospective and current NursingCAS users are encouraged to attend.