Recording Now Available: NursingCAS Demo (Wed., Nov. 17)


As part of the Academic Nursing Leadership Conference, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) offered a virtual NursingCAS Demo on Wed., Nov. 17. Watch the recording now! One-on-one demos with the NursingCAS Team are also available and can be requested by visiting the Contact page.

NursingCAS Overview: A Demonstration of the Student Application and Admissions Management Portal 

AACN’s Nursing Centralized Application Service (NursingCAS) provides colleges a FREE admissions platform and student application to efficiently manage data-driven reviews in cloud-based software. Learn why 290 colleges of nursing and 61,000 student applicants used NursingCAS last year to manage their nursing school applications. A live demo of the student application and efficient backend admissions software will be provided. AACN and NursingCAS staff will lead the presentation. Prospective and current NursingCAS users are encouraged to attend.