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Participating schools can partner with Echo-Targeting to promote your program to prospective nursing students.
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In depth instructions to learn how to use WebAdMIT, the admissions software for NursingCAS
NursingCAS takes data security seriously. Learn about our processes for keeping applicant data safe
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Holistic review is a university admissions strategy that assesses an applicant’s unique experiences alongside traditional measures of academic achievement.
Simplify working with application materials outside of WebAdMIT with the PDF Manager
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Find information on WebAdMIT's API .
NursingCAS takes data security seriously, read this overview for details.
Use the sandbox to test set-up, applicant data exports, and to train users
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Use this Dashboard to add Applicant Newsletter content, add an admissions event, or submit an idea.
Learn about the benefits NursingCAS can offer to schools, applicants, and health profession advisors
This is a quick set of instructions for viewing applicants if you do not see them in WebAdMIT
Kira Talent is a virtual admissions interview software that provides timed video and written assessments. Learn how this software can help schools implement a holistic and remote interview process.
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A WebAdMIT data dictionary to assist with data exports.
NursingCAS Application Coupon Codes are application fee discounts that participating NursingCAS colleges and schools can use to pay an applicant’s initial fee.
AACN's NursingCAS Exclusivity Requirement is in effect starting with the 2023-2024 cycle, which launches August 10, 2023.
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A comprehensive resource for reference writers.
The 2023-2024 cycle will launch on August 10, 2023. Review the 3 URL options available and accurately update hyperlinks, if needed, so students can access the application in the correct cycle portal.
Learn about new features and enhancements available within the application and WebAdMIT
Find helpful information in the Liaison Help Centers for WebAdMIT, NursingCAS, Analytics by Liaison, and more.
Analytics by Liaison is a new and free tool for schools who use NursingCAS as their exclusive application.
Liaison Academy is available to NursingCAS school users. Create an account to review helpful tutorials and training on WebAdMIT and other NursingCAS tools.
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) offered a virtual NursingCAS Demo on Monday, October 28. Watch the recording now!
The NursingCAS Advisory Group is made up of a variety of faculty and staff at our NursingCAS member schools.
Explore the directory of participating schools. New schools are added regularly.
Review the NursingCAS Participation Agreement Terms for schools.
The enclosed infographic shows cycle dates and matriculation terms for 2023-24 and 2024-25 NursingCAS cycles.
View past versions of the NursingCAS Dispatch (user newsletter)